
Begin reading by clicking on the name of the Bible.
Albanian - Shqip

Albanian Bible (ALB) OT/NT

Bulgarian - Български

Bulgarian Bible (BUL) OT/NT

Chinese - 汉语


Darby Translation (DAR) OT/NT

King James Version (KJV) OT/NT

World English Bible (WEB) R/OT/NT

Webster Bible (WB) OT/NT

Filipino - Tagalog

Ang Dating Biblia (ADB) OT/NT

French - Français

Louis Segond (LSG) OT/NT

German - Deutsch

Luther Bibel (LUTH) OT/NT

Greek - Ελληνικά

Haitian - Ayisyen
Hebrew - תירביע
Hungarian - Magyar

Hungarian Bible (HB) OT/NT

Icelandic - Íslenska

Icelandic Bible (IB) OT/NT

Korean - 한국어

Korean Bible (KB) OT/NT

Latin - Latina
Polynesian - Māori

Maori Bible (MB) OT/NT

Norwegian - Norsk
Portuguese - Português
Russian - Русский
Spanish - Español

Swedish - Svenska

Svenska 1917 (SV) OT/NT

Ukrainian - Українська

Ukrainian Bible (UB) OT/NT

Vietnamese - Tiêng Viêt

Vietnamese Bible (VB) OT/NT

( ? ) - Bible acronym.
R - Jesus' words in red.
OT - Old Testament
NT - New Testament